Markdown syntax

Markdown is a plain text format for writing web content that easily converts to HTMLClosed Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.. This topic is a quick overview of basic Markdown syntax, which you can use in the MemberXG administrator pages.

Using the Markdown language you can quickly write HTML web text with just a few extra characters. For example, the following Markdown text when written:

Welcome to the *Wonderful* employee site, where **you** can find healthcare information.


Welcome to the Wonderful employee site, where you can find healthcare information.

Paragraphs and line breaks

To write paragraphs, simply type one or more lines of text followed by one or more blank lines. Don’t indent or use tabs.

To create a line break, simply add two or more spaces and then press Enter.

Format Chart

Format Do this To see this

Type # at the start of a line. The number of hash marks you use sets the heading levels. You can use up to 6 levels.

#Heading 1

##Heading 2

Heading 1

Heading 2


To create a blockquote, add a > in front of a paragraph.

> Blockquote

Strike through

To strike through text, add two ~~ around the text.


Emphasize (Italics)

Surround the text with one asterisk or an underscore (or press I).

*text* or _text_


Surround the text with two asterisks or underscores (or press B).

**text** or __text__

Italics + Bold

To make text both bold and italicize at the same time, add three asterisks or underscores before and after the text.

***text*** or___text___
Numbered List

Type 1. and then a space (any number followed by a dot and space).

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
Unordered List

Type one of the following characters *, -, or + followed by a space and the text.

* List

* List

* List

  • List
  • List
  • List

Add an image

To add an image, add an exclamation mark ! followed by the alt text in brackets, and the path or uniform resource locatorClosed An address to a website or page on the Internet. It displays in your browser address bar. to the image file in parentheses. If you’d like, you can add a title surrounded by quotes after the URL. The image title displays as a tool tip.

![Flower]( “Pretty Pink Flower”)

Markdown Syntax.htm

Type the link name in brackets, followed by the path or URL in parentheses. [text to link](

[MYbasys]( becomes MYbasys.

To display an email address as a link (or any other address), enclose the address in <> brackets.<> displays as customer

Type characters, literally

Markdown allows you to use backslash escapes to generate literal characters that are used for Markdown’s formatting syntax. For example, if you wanted to surround a word with actual asterisks (instead of italics), you can use back slashes before the asterisks, like this: \literal asterisks\* which becomes: *literal asterisks*.

Markdown provides back slash escapes for the following characters:

\ backslash

` back tick

* asterisk

_ underscore

{} curly braces

[] square brackets

() parentheses

# hash mark

+ plus sign

- minus sign (hyphen)

. dot

! exclamation mark